Wednesday, April 28, 2010

New Stats!

I don't have much time, it's hard to blog when you are supposed to be sleeping :) I just wanted to let you know that I had my one-year appointment yesterday. I clocked in at 29 3/4" (I grew two inches since my nine month) and 22 lbs 3 oz. I'm at the 75th percentile for height, weight, and head circumference. Perfectly proportioned, except for my size 2/3 feet!!!

Other than that, things have been quiet at my house after all of last week's festivities. I've had some great new toys to play with and fancy new clothes. Even with my 3 shots yesterday I haven't been in a bad mood. I've been getting more adventurous with my standing, trying to take a step to the side and cruising the couch. Obi is getting more petting from me and everyone gets a wave. That's what I've been up to! Hope you are all well!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Natalie you are so grown up! Thanks for sharing your pictures, it is nice to get updates about how you are doing (all of you!) every once in a while! Sending hugs from Oregon!

