Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thanksgiving Trip

Where did the week go? Mom and Dad were frantically trying to get things done before our trip down to Columbus for Thanksgiving. One of their projects was getting our Christmas lights out and up. The bushes in front of my room are so bright that at night with the blinds shut my room still glows!
Dad is a master packer of the car! Tuesday night Mom got home from work and we had dinner and then headed out. It's about a two and a half hour drive and I slept on the way down. Dad packed around my carseat and Obi had the WHOLE back to himself! We didn't want the big red suitcase to crunch him....
On Thanksgiving morning some of the crew went on a 4 mile walk/run. My buddy Parker went along with her mom and dad and came home with a fancy medal.
I met lots of new people on this trip. Last year Mom and Dad went out to Colorado for Thanksgiving and stayed with Todd, Katie, and Henry. This is me hanging out with Katie and her husband Todd snuck in the picture. I wore my Wisconsin gear to celebrate their heritage!
The day after Thanksgiving we woke up to snow! This was my first experience....and we snuck out on the back step for a quick picture.
With three babies hanging out you get tired.....but at different times :) Here's Parker taking a catnap.
Amazingly enough, me and my buddies managed to behave long enough for everyone to enjoy the big meal. Also, at night the parents put us all to bed around 8 and had game nights. Good thing my sleeping quarters were well insulated...a walk in closet makes a perfect baby bedroom! Don't worry, Mom left me a fun bear night least they didn't make me sleep in a drawer.
There is a great park across the street from Parker's house. We all trekked over and enjoyed the playground. I had a good time on the slide with Dad and even tried out some swings!

I liked to kick my legs!
We weren't sure what this was, but it fit two kids perfectly!
Finally, a chance to show off my pooh mittens and hat!
Swinging with my buddy Henry.
I joined a bowling league when I was down in Columbus.
The "Diaper Pins!", thanks Henry!
Katie, Todd, and Henry - I watched Henry run all around the house. Taking notes for the future!
Parker and I had a discussion, we thought her hat was awesome!

It's Sunday night and I'm exhausted! It was a fun week of visiting with friends, playing outside, and petting the puppies. Obi slept on his pillow all afternoon and I was barely able to splash around in my bath tonight. Better rest up, since this week is going to fly by and then we head out for Seattle Friday. I am becoming a world traveler!

Friday, November 27, 2009

First Snow!

Just a quick update....hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I've been busy at Parker's house since Tuesday night (we're visiting until Sunday). Today was our big meal. Dad and Matt made a great turkey and all the food was a success! Parker was in her bouncy, I was in the swing, and our buddy Henry sat in his high chair for the big meal. Talk about baby coordination!

When we got up today there was snow on the ground, my first snow! We took a picture of me outside. Hopefully that turned out. We'll try to post some pictures from our trip soon...

Friday, November 20, 2009

The Wedge

To celebrate my seven month birthday, I spent last night wedging myself into my crib in unique ways. No matter where Mom and Dad put me down, I'd end up at one end stretched across the width. And I'm a tall girl! So then I would get stuck and beat on my bumper for a while. After the frustration had mounted, I'd let the hollering begin! This new game may have been fun for me (until the stuck part) but Mom and Dad did not seem that impressed. Then I woke up happy and early and Daddy was going to feed me but I wouldn't open my mouth. After twenty minutes of dodging the spoon and one bite of cereal accomplished I was declared winner. Yup, I win, one to nothing. What else will I do to celebrate today??

Thursday, November 19, 2009

One Handed Piano Playing

Singing and performing, once I perfect my dancing I'll be a triple threat.

Visiting Parker Jane

This past weekend we went down to Columbus to see my buddy Parker. We had a good time, some car rides where we both slept (and a few where I screamed), some couch snuggly time, and I even tried out her fancy swing. We are looking forward to seeing the Daniels again at Thanksgiving!
I tried to give her a little hug :)
Using Parker's "space chair"
Floor time, more exciting now that I sit up!
Parker with hot momma Amy
You'd never guess that I can reach new volumes in the car...
Angel baby, yes she does make me look bad.
Better check the weight limits on this swing...maybe good for a few more visits!
And a fun picture from today... Dad likes to prop a pillow behind me to prevent head bonks. I had an eventful day today. We went to Five Guys for burgers and it was VERY busy. I've been experimenting in high chairs at restaurants. For the most part I like it because there is so much to watch. But I always try to grab Mom and Dad's food! Green beans are getting old I guess. Then we went out to do some Christmas shopping. Hard to believe that my first Christmas is just around the corner! I was very smiley and talkative for our trip. Lots of people commented on my kicking legs and cute puppy shoes. All in all a good day. Dad's out with friends and Mom and I are going to have a girls night. Think we'll start it out by dancing to She Wolf........ahhhhhhwoooooo!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Happy Veterans Day!

My fancy new sweatshirt from Grandpa and Grandma Jackson
I've had a good past few days...Grandpa and Grandma Jackson were here from Sunday to this morning and we had lots of fun together. I gave them my happy morning greeting from my crib today (I sleep on my tummy and push up/smile big when they walked into my bedroom). Grandma gave me a bath and must have the magic touch because a few nights ago she was able to put on my jammies with NO crying!
Grandpa has a fun beard and glasses to grab...and he really liked my coat with ears.
Hanging with G & G Jackson in our basement.
Even with Grandma's golden touch I still had some faces in the high chair. I need my food ready when I hit the chair!! I'm eating some new fruit these days, bananas and peaches this past week.
Sometimes a girl has to dress up for no reason. We tried on this fancy dress and thought that Mom might have to cut it off me. Apparently the designers have skinny 6 month babies in mind. We don't think that's in for Winter 2009! Hope you are all doing well! I was tired tonight from my past few days of activity. Love you, Grandpa and Grandma J!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Hockey, Birthdays and Grandparents...

It was a very busy week...I had made plans a while ago to take Dad to a hockey game for his birthday. There was a day game on Wednesday and we watched the Walleye win! I made it two periods in our seats and then we wandered the stadium for the last period. I loved walking around in my red stroller.

When can I eat fries??

Hanging with Daddy

Dressing up at home...looking for Christmas outfits!

That's my Dad!

Eating bananas for the first time
Bath time, got to get ready for Grandpa and Grandma Jackson
I like listening to Grandpa tell stories
And playing with Grandma
And I ALWAYS love eating!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween Weekend

Well, it was a fun three day weekend with both Mom and Dad home. We were busy, the days just seemed to fly by! Mom and Dad even managed to go out and rake leaves to clear out the backyard. I heard it was very motivated/fast since they were working while I took my morning nap.
We had some great warmer weather, so I wore a new dress that Auntie Courtiepoo gave to me recently. But since we are planning on cooler weather soon, I went out and bought some tights to get ready. And some man at the grocery store asked me where my shoes were....guess we'll have to go through the drawers for some of those too!

It was a fun first Halloween. Our neighborhood did trick-or-treating for two hours. We all camped outside in the driveway and had a great time with our 100+ kids that visited! Here are some pictures from the night...
Our carved pumpkin, Mom painted my little pumpkin.
Playing with my trick-or-treat bag from Grandpa and Grandma Hiatt. Will come in handy in the future years!
I wasn't happy with Mom when we got started...
But pulled it together once we got outside!
Family photo op :)
Our friends the Filatoffs came for a visit before they went trick-or-treating.
I had to take a nap in the middle, too much excitement!
But partied later on!
And this was the morning after...nothing like some oatmeal and green beans to get you going in the morning.
Well, that was my busy weekend! Hope you had a good time. I'll leave you with another good picture with Daddy!