Sunday, February 28, 2010

Weekend of Relaxation

After going through some old pictures I've realized that I have a history of shopping carts and trying to break free. This picture was with my buddy Parker a while back when we were walking through Costco. I made it my mission to try to help her escape! If I remember correctly, I only succeeded in flapping my arms at her face....
We had lots of people oohing and aahing after us that day!
I've been working on expanding my food horizons. This was pancakes at home recently. Just this past few days I've had tomato, cantaloupe, and middle eastern bread in addition to my Gerber diet.
Obi and I have some fun times. This is the baby gate that Mom and Dad put up a while back. Obi followed Mom and Dad upstairs and then realized he didn't want to come back down through the gate. I watched him stay upstairs. He pouted for at least an hour and refused to come down for a food bribe (unheard of!). So Mom finally had to get him close to the gate and "throw" him through. I don't think he'll be going back upstairs anytime soon!
Yup, poor dog can't even be guaranteed his pillow 100% of the time anymore. This is me lounging after I rolled up onto the pillow. I did pull on his tail today too. I guess I'll have to make it up to him by dropping more food while in my highchair.
This is me in my new shirt. Dad got me ready this morning and thought I looked quite smashing.
I'm also practicing chewing (still only 2 teeth on the bottom). These are my veggie puffs.
Before bath time tonight I got to play on the "beach". We set up my blankie, got some fun balls out, and my whale puzzle. The swimsuit was surprisingly easy to get on, which made Mom happy.
Striking a pose!
Well, it was a fun weekend with Mom and Dad. It's going to be a busy week coming up here. Such is the life of a baby!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

My First Balloon

I was out cruising with Mom and Dad yesterday and we stopped at Johnny Rockets for lunch. I found them to be quite hospitable for babies like myself. Not only did they offer crayons/paper (which Dad confiscated) they brought over this shiny red balloon. I was quite enamored with the balloon, which Mom had tied to my high chair. That was until I was viciously attacked in the head once I reeled it in for closer inspection.
Once the offending balloon was moved down the table I could just admire it from afar. There was also a "half-time" show that caught me by surprise. The music got really loud and the waiters danced around. All in all, I would go back again.
Dad and I had to run to Sofos for some pasta supplies. I would like it noted that their carts may be the smallest in Toledo. Thanks to my flexibility, I was able to test the safety belt (it held) and Dad stuffed my legs back in the holes numerous times on our short shopping trip.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

10 Months and Week in Review!

I know that I had an update a few days ago, but I wanted to go back and show off some of my other pics from the week. The whole family went over to hang out with the Roberts on Wednesday. I had a good time, I can appreciate a house with lots of baby gear. Lindsey didn't want to play too much, so I just tried to entertain her while I played on the floor. I was really working my dance moves to the 90s music on the radio! I am, however, not sure why they keep a horse called Grant in their house...
Lindsey and her Mommy.
Lindsey and my Daddy. She could yawn really big and also gave us some hiccups.
On a short-term basis I was willing to share Mom space.
Baby Lindsey, trying to stay quiet so her Mom could get a quick nap.
Yeah, Dad was home from work!
Here's the routine at my house after Mom gets home from work. You can see that both Obi and I fight for position. Also, note the coat thrown on the stairs and her bag on the floor. I don't expect her to get past five feet in the door before everything is thrown down and she comes and scoops me up. If she fails to plan the appropriate bathroom break at work BEFORE coming home I will surely protest!
This is me getting ready for the day. I was really trying to make myself gorgeous for my 10 month day. My hair is getting quite long these days. I like my hair clips quite a bit, but am being monitored by Mom and Dad for "clip into mouth" situations. So I get to wear them on special occasions.
My morning alphabet lessons.
I was playing with Dad. He kept throwing a blanket over my head and I would squeal until he whipped it off!
To celebrate 10 months, Mom made red velvet cupcakes!
The final product, someday soon they will be mine!!
To top off my fun day I went over to the Filatoffs for dinner and playtime. This is me eating a very messy cracker in their living room. Mom felt bad about the crumbs, but Webster licked the carpet clean for me.
My buddy Jacob. He played with me and colored me a picture with my favorite colors. So much for Mom and Dad packing EVERYTHING to take over there to play with. All I really needed was a box! It was such a busy day yesterday that I plan on taking it easy today. Later!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

It was a busy few days...

A few days ago my media blitz ended and boy am I tired. It's been exhausting getting word out about my "More Rolling, Less Holding" campaign.

Over the course of 24 hours there were video chats with Grandpa and Grandma Hiatt, Aunt Court, and Uncle Matt & Aunt Jess. I was also scheduled for NBC's "Meet the Press," but it tapes during nap time.

I saved something special for each conversation. Grandpa and Grandma got the best rolls. Aunt Court was wowed by my new self-feeding ability (more on that to come). And Uncle Matt & Aunt Jess didn't really get any rolling, but did see me talk up a storm.

And here's a repost of my rolling video from the other day. Hopefully, it will work this time.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Hello Lindsey!

I just wanted to welcome my new buddy Lindsey Kaitlyn Roberts to the world! She was born Tuesday at 6:19 AM at a solid 10 lbs 8 oz and 21 3/4 inches. She got to come home from the hospital yesterday....I hope she behaved herself. I hear she was an ANGEL at the hospital, so hopefully she'll keep that up for her mom and dad.
The proud Mom and Dad!
Ready for my close-up!
I haven't met Lindsey yet, but Mom saw her in the hospital on Thursday. Both Dad and I can't wait to see her!!
Until then, I will continue to work on my cross-country rolling skills. I have to have things to teach Lindsey! Hope you are having a good weekend, I plan on staying bundled up and hanging out with Mom and Dad. I think we are going to go out for a special Valentine's Day lunch. Kisses and hugs from me for the holiday!!!!!!!!
- Nat

Thursday, February 11, 2010

What I've Been Up To

My daily regimen includes napping, eating, talking and now rolling like a mad woman. What I lack in control I make up for with speed. I don't understand why my parents insist on putting things like chairs in my rolling room - which they call their "Living Room" - but it doesn't matter. Yesterday, while Mom and Dad worked in the kitchen, I managed to escape the living room by rolling around the chairs and made a break for my nursery. No one is safe.

Here's me in action.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

On the Mend

Still have a little bit of the cold hanging on. I've been particularly excited about my "cross country" rolls around the living room. I now like to roll to Obi's pillow, under the chairs, and to the shiny knobs on the entertainment stand.
Dad gave me some free time in my crib yesterday. Yes, I am still wearing my diaper.
To get ready for my next trip (Savannah for Mom's work in April), I'm trying out my travel high chair. Dad felt it was necessary to have a safety chair lined up under me for the big reveal.
Mom got home from work and found me hanging out.
Today, I was a little testy for Mom and Dad. Cranky in the morning, but after finally getting my nap in the afternoon things turned around. We are supposed to get lots of snow tonight, maybe once Dad digs us out in the morning we can get some pictures!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Sick Kiddo

Today is day two of the sickness... I woke up Wednesday and had a runny nose and just felt out of sorts. Dad declared it a pajama day, which helped me feel better. Today was a little bit better, but I definitely liked some extra cuddle time with both Mom and Dad.
Before bed tonight.
Yesterday play time.
My sad runny nose.
And to end with some cute pics, here was me being goofy earlier this week.
My new "runway". Maybe it will help me with my crawling! Here's hoping to me feeling better tomorrow...

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Stealth Post

Well, I really shouldn't even be blogging right is nap time. But it was an exciting morning and I just can't sleep. I went to Urban Active with Mom and Dad this morning. I had a chance to meet some nice ladies in the playroom and hang out with a few other babies on the floor. About an hour of goofing off and I was REALLY tired after that. Good thing the ride home is short, because I was ready to hit the crib and get some sleep.

I've been doing really well at night. I don't know what this whole Ferber business is, but Mom and Dad seem very happy! And I do just fine in my room all night. Sometimes I start my sea horse music to entertain myself. We also went out to lunch today. I keep promising to take Dad out to the Texas Roadhouse, but we keep getting foiled. Today we were all ready and I was in a good mood and then we discovered that they don't do lunch during the week. Dad seemed sad, but I'll make it up to him.

Other than that, my second tooth is now visible (as of yesterday). I plan on getting out of bed soon and playing on Mom's new yoga mat....