Wednesday, April 28, 2010

New Stats!

I don't have much time, it's hard to blog when you are supposed to be sleeping :) I just wanted to let you know that I had my one-year appointment yesterday. I clocked in at 29 3/4" (I grew two inches since my nine month) and 22 lbs 3 oz. I'm at the 75th percentile for height, weight, and head circumference. Perfectly proportioned, except for my size 2/3 feet!!!

Other than that, things have been quiet at my house after all of last week's festivities. I've had some great new toys to play with and fancy new clothes. Even with my 3 shots yesterday I haven't been in a bad mood. I've been getting more adventurous with my standing, trying to take a step to the side and cruising the couch. Obi is getting more petting from me and everyone gets a wave. That's what I've been up to! Hope you are all well!!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

One Year Update...

Hey guys... It's been a very busy week for me. I had a great time hanging out with Grandma and Grandpa Hiatt, Aunt Courtney, and Grandpa and Grandma Jackson. I had a relaxed birthday on the 20th, a little Mexican food for lunch :) Then my big party was yesterday. Thanks to everyone that came out to help me celebrate! I have lots of pictures to go through from the past week. That's what happens when you have family in town, they are always grabbing their cameras.

I'll have to go back and post some of the pics from my birthday celebration week. But here is a fun bonus, I had my glamour shots for my one year done last week and the results are in. Enjoy!
Hope you liked my pics! Like I said, I will go through my party pictures and get to those soon. It's really quiet at our house now. Grandpa and Grandma Jackson left this morning and Grandpa and Grandma Hiatt and Aunt Courtney went to the airport tonight. I got lots of extra hugs and cuddles today as everyone was leaving. I know Mom and Dad were sad to see everyone go. Hope to see you all again soon!!


Saturday, April 17, 2010

Getting My Cute On!

I'm ready for my big visit from Grandpa and Grandma Hiatt and Aunt Courtney! I've been excited to see them again. I can't wait to make the airport run tomorrow night to pick them up...

Friday, April 16, 2010

Savannah Part Two!

Well, I got home on Wednesday and I'm finally getting a chance to go thru pictures. Here's some of my favorites from the rest of my trip!
Near the gators at the Crab Shack on Tybee Island. I tried crab cakes and got to see dolphins! I was also surprised by some loud squacking parrots...
My first beach experience! Tybee Island was just 30 minutes from Savannah. I got to walk the pier and play in the sand a bit.
Dad helped me, but I wasn't too keen on dipping my toes in the ocean.
All the beach activity really tired me out!
I took a long walk through Bonaventure Cemetary, where the famous "Bird Girl" from the Midnight in the Garden of Evil was located. It has since been moved to a Savannah museum and I didn't get to see it this trip.
The cemetary was really beautiful and parts of it were along the river.
This was Pulaski square, in front of our house!
A family pic before we went out to dinner our last night in town.
Hanging out on the sundeck of the Hyatt hotel. I got to see some of the sunset!

What a fun family vacation! Here I was waving goodbye to Savannah. I practice lots of waving while I was in town. Just trying to get that southern charm :)

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Savannah Trip Part One!

I don't have much time, even though it's vacation I still have to try and get my beauty sleep! Here's a bunch of my favorite pictures from my trip so far...Daddy and I going through the tunnel with lights at the airport. They made me take my shoes off at security...and get out of my stroller.
This is my new ride for the trip. Car seat installed compliments of Mom and Dad.
The living room which I have successfully taken over with "baby playland."
This morning Dad and I did some walking around Savannah.
Nice family pic!
My Mom and my buddy Pat. He is at the conference with Mom.
This is our "alley" to our house. We have a cool black wrought iron gate that you have to open to get to this.
The big fountain at Forsyth Park.
Monument at Forsyth Park. Really large park and very doggy friendly. I said hi to several!
One of the many statues in the 22 squares around Savannah. We are located off of Pulaski square.
The fountains at the City Market area. This is where we ate pizza the first night in town.
Today's big meal was at Paula Dean's restaurant, called Lady and Sons. It's a big southern style restaurant. We ate on the third floor...and I loved cheddar garlic biscuits!
Big meal = nap time.
Forsyth Park fountain with Dad.
I love the spanish moss on the trees!
All of the roads and walkways are pretty with the flowers in bloom.
Like I said, it's been a busy few days. Mom and Dad took me out for ice cream and I slept through it. I was told it was great!!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Leaving on a Jet Plane

It was a beautiful week in Toledo! And now that the weather has turned today I'm heading out of town with Mom and Dad!!
Me just relaxing in the three season room with Obi.
Practicing my standing and showing off my booty.
Last night was bath night...time to get squeaky clean for my trip.
Going for record heights!
Well, I hope to post some pictures of my trip....I'm going to be in Savannah until Wednesday. The city will never be the same!!!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Weekend

Next year I'm sure I'll be out looking for Easter eggs, but this year I decided to take it easy with my peeps basket and ladybug egg.
Saturday we met the Daniels for the windiest picnic ever! The dads tried to make a wind break with picnic tables (kind of dangerous). We also had stroller races (babies not IN the strollers). All in all a very fun time. Thankfully it was warm!
When the weather started to get a little nastier the girls camped out in the MDX. I thought it made a perfectly fine playground!
Easter was nice and quiet. I got up really early, maybe a few minutes before 6. Was ready to go to church for the 9 AM mass. Here's me all dressed up!
A little family shot...

After church we had a nice brunch at Granite City. I tried all sorts of food........ham, eggs, fruit. Loved it! Another beautiful day with my Mom and Dad!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Ann Arbor Trip

I'm getting to be quite a pro at navigating around Ann Arbor. Yesterday we went up for lunch at Zingerman's Deli. I munched on some fancy mac and cheese with Mom and Dad.
Here I am enjoying the outdoors! I wanted to get out of the stroller and stand up while Mom and Dad were eating. After lunch we wandered around Kerry Town. Lots of fun shops for me to look at.
The weather was perfect, 70s! We took a trip to the Arboreteum. Did some off roading in my stroller. I kind of liked the bumps, I kept making noises when we'd hit them.
Dad did some heavy lifting. One of the paths back to the car ended up being pretty steep and bumpy.
We were laughing at how steep it was and how heavy my stroller seemed to be! After our trip to the park we made one last stop to Whole Foods. I loved hanging out in the cart as we wandered the aisles.
All in all a great day! I've been really enjoying my books at night. Here's Dad reading to me...
Today was another beautiful day! Obi has been enjoying the nice weather too. He's going to need a summer cut soon!