Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Baby Skosh Pics!

Today was the big 20 week show! I went with Mom and Dad to the doctor's this morning and got to see all sorts of pictures. Here's the highlights...
Profile and some hands in the mix.
Bent like a pretzel! I guess Mom and Dad have a picture of me just like this :)
Waving at the family...

Saturday, January 28, 2012

My Day with Lindsey

Yeah to the Roberts! They closed on their house this past Thursday and are prepping for the big move. I got to have Lindsey come and visit for the day. Here is a photo essay of the happenings....
We started the day with some princess coloring.
We were both very studious....
Then we launched into the cooking portion of the morning. I let Lindsey borrow an apron, even if it was a little big.
Lunch time was a success. Mom made very good peanut butter and jelly sandwiches (which I had ALL over my face) and some raviolis.
The Barbie jeep is still a hot commodity. Lindsey drove me all around Toledo !
After nap time we made a tunnel and tent. We had our snack back in there and did lots of playing.
Plenty of blankets to make it cozy!
As always, the doll house was a big hit.
Mom frosted the cake for us, but then we got to add the sprinkles.
On to chicken bake dinner! We both were hungry and really looked forward to cake for dessert!
Things got crazy after dinner.....we may have been a little messy so we stripped down and headed upstairs for a bath. Lindsey loved wearing the swim goggles and poured lots of water on me (which I loved!).
We snuggled on the couch for a bit before it was time for Lindsey to go. I really liked having her visit, can't wait to see her again soon!!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Snow Day!

The last day brought some snow! It's also still very cold out.....
Here I am with Daddy, all bundled up. It's about 17 degrees out plus some wind!
Daddy was shoveling and I wanted to shovel too. Turns out that beach toys make good snow toys too!
I felt bad for Obi....so we found a way for him to come out and play too!
Work between the play ;)
Since the ground is frozen, we decided to play out in the backyard too.
I wasn't too excited about my sled. Mom gave it a run down our small hill. I laughed at her a lot! I did like trying to make a snow angel though. Hope you liked my snow day!!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

17 Weeks!

Here's 17 weeks with me (Nat)............And 17 weeks now!
Looks like Mommy's carrying the same :)

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Snow, Please??!?!

I'm ready for the white stuff!
Took a ride on my bike today in my snow boots. They haven't got much action yet. And these great snow pants are fun in the house! My poor sled hasn't gotten any use yet......I'M READY FOR SNOW!!!!!!