Thursday, November 19, 2009

Visiting Parker Jane

This past weekend we went down to Columbus to see my buddy Parker. We had a good time, some car rides where we both slept (and a few where I screamed), some couch snuggly time, and I even tried out her fancy swing. We are looking forward to seeing the Daniels again at Thanksgiving!
I tried to give her a little hug :)
Using Parker's "space chair"
Floor time, more exciting now that I sit up!
Parker with hot momma Amy
You'd never guess that I can reach new volumes in the car...
Angel baby, yes she does make me look bad.
Better check the weight limits on this swing...maybe good for a few more visits!
And a fun picture from today... Dad likes to prop a pillow behind me to prevent head bonks. I had an eventful day today. We went to Five Guys for burgers and it was VERY busy. I've been experimenting in high chairs at restaurants. For the most part I like it because there is so much to watch. But I always try to grab Mom and Dad's food! Green beans are getting old I guess. Then we went out to do some Christmas shopping. Hard to believe that my first Christmas is just around the corner! I was very smiley and talkative for our trip. Lots of people commented on my kicking legs and cute puppy shoes. All in all a good day. Dad's out with friends and Mom and I are going to have a girls night. Think we'll start it out by dancing to She Wolf........ahhhhhhwoooooo!

1 comment:

  1. Love the pics....I can hardly wait to see you guys. Won't be long. :-)

    Love Aunt Meredie
