Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween Weekend

Well, it was a fun three day weekend with both Mom and Dad home. We were busy, the days just seemed to fly by! Mom and Dad even managed to go out and rake leaves to clear out the backyard. I heard it was very motivated/fast since they were working while I took my morning nap.
We had some great warmer weather, so I wore a new dress that Auntie Courtiepoo gave to me recently. But since we are planning on cooler weather soon, I went out and bought some tights to get ready. And some man at the grocery store asked me where my shoes were....guess we'll have to go through the drawers for some of those too!

It was a fun first Halloween. Our neighborhood did trick-or-treating for two hours. We all camped outside in the driveway and had a great time with our 100+ kids that visited! Here are some pictures from the night...
Our carved pumpkin, Mom painted my little pumpkin.
Playing with my trick-or-treat bag from Grandpa and Grandma Hiatt. Will come in handy in the future years!
I wasn't happy with Mom when we got started...
But pulled it together once we got outside!
Family photo op :)
Our friends the Filatoffs came for a visit before they went trick-or-treating.
I had to take a nap in the middle, too much excitement!
But partied later on!
And this was the morning after...nothing like some oatmeal and green beans to get you going in the morning.
Well, that was my busy weekend! Hope you had a good time. I'll leave you with another good picture with Daddy!

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