Friday, March 18, 2011

Quick Update!

Tomorrow I head to Seattle with Mom for a week! I have my suitcase packed...can't wait to see all my family out there! I was looking at the pictures on the camera and here's the past week or so.....
Checking out a grape sucker. I got this when I had my ultrasound appointment.
Pretty happy with myself!
Riding the bug :)
It's a very busy crib these days.
Snuggling with Mom.
Checking out the goodies from Grandma and Grandpa Hiatt. I got a new backpack for my trip out to Seattle.
Also, a new book for the plane and a few snacks.
This was my wild St. Patrick's day outfit. The glasses and hat really make the outfit...
After my nap I told Dad that I wanted to read Seuss. Sometimes I surprise them with new words that they didn't even know I knew!! Had a great day with Dad and Obi. Went to the library, the park, and even took Obi for a walk in the neighborhood. I'm very good at telling Obi to come to get his leash to go for a walk. Then we finished the night with ice cream at Handel's. What a great day! Can't wait to head out tomorrow, a whole week in Seattle!

1 comment:

  1. Have a great trip! Be good for your mom on the plane.
