Sunday, August 28, 2011

Outfits x 3!

I wanted to wear my new "sparkle" shoes from Grandma and Grandpa Hiatt today.
You can't tell here, but when I dance around they light up!
Here I am working on my moves.....
Next outfit of the day. I wanted to try on some of my new clothes that Mom and Dad bought me. Here I am working in the kitchen.
Close-up! Can you believe that I told Mom I was cranky today???? (Note from Mom - Nat was indeed cranky at times)
More posing for the camera.
This was just too funny not to include. Just proves that there are always outtakes!
Looking at my flower.....
It's hard to tell, but I am rocking TWO ponytails!

1 comment:

  1. Nice dance moves! Did Grandpa Hiatt teach you those? They look awfully similar to some dance moves he did this past weekend - must run in the family! I also love the close-up and the out take. :) You are quite the fashionista complete with accessories and hair!

    Aunt Coco
