Well, it's been a busy month....as December tends to be! I've had a great time seeing friends and family and spending lots of time with Mom and Dad. I really love baking cookies for my friends and myself! I LOVE to lick the spoon :)

Last weekend I got to get all dressed up for the Roberts Christmas party. I really liked my fuzzy dress and fancy shoes.

Yeah, a good family picture! Thanks Kevin!

There were a lot of friends at the party. Chelsea is 3 months old already and did really well hanging out all night.

Here's the gang of younger kids.....Matthew, Lindsey, myself and Madeline!

The kids were fueled by snack foods! Lindsey and I were loving cake pops made by Lori. Of course, Lindsey was all silly faces!

The next day, on Sunday, we met the Roberts for some zoo lights. You'll have to trust me, it was beautiful even if I don't have the pics to prove it! I was all bundled up in my big coat, gloves, and fuzzy blanket as Mom and Dad strollered me around. I really liked the big blue tree and the singing lights.

Today is Christmas Eve and the family got all dressed up to go to church.

Me with Dad and Obi. The Christmas service invited the kids up to the front for the Christmas story. I really enjoyed the angels and singing happy birthday to Jesus. I made it through the entire Mass, only some minor fidgeting!

I also got to stop by the Lourdes campus today and see the creche. We didn't stay long to look at it, too cold!

I got a plate of cookies and milk for Santa and a carrot for the reindeer. I can't wait for him to come!

Mom and Dad let me open my stocking tonight. It will hold me over until Christmas presents in the morning!!!


A Clifford animal....then it was time for a bedtime story and sleep! Santa will be here in no time!!!
Merry Christmas, Natalie!!!!! Grandma and Grandpa J