I've been off my blog duties as I try to help Mom and Dad get ready for the big move. Even with all of that going on I've had a fun couple of weekends with the Daniel's too!

Parker and I are hard to get to sit still for a photo op :) Parker borrowed one of my hats, it was kind of big for her. She also loved my collection of necklaces.

Here's Amy and Parker at the Point Place fireworks party.

I had a chance to see sparklers.....Mom and Dad held it for me.

That same weekend we went out to Fallen Timbers for brunch at Granite City. The weather was great and I found out you can feed the fish in the pond. Also, a bunch of ducks came by to visit.

Mom, Amy, Parker, and I went to the zoo after brunch. I really wanted to see the monkeys, but we were also lucky enough to see the new baby elephant.

Here's the new baby. He walked right by me! He was about 250 pounds when he was born and here he is a few weeks old.

Snack time at the zoo. There is no picture, but I shared a great ice cream cone with Mom!

Hanging with mom....notice that these pants let my diaper hang out. They have been retired!

The concrete work at the house. Sidewalks in, driveway done, entryway done!

The view from the upstairs master closet.

Back patio!

I've had some time to sneak out on a bike ride when it wasn't too hot. I still really love my trailer!

I was down in Columbus for the 4th of July. Here we all went out to Northstar for brunch. We take up a whole big booth these days.....thanks for taking the pic Dad!

Parker and I played in a phone booth at Easton. We also looked at the fountains there and the outdoor train display.

BBQ food is fantastic! I had several pieces of watermelon that left me red faced and then followed it up with a red/white/blue popsicle. I had blue hands for quite a while!

The girls doing some reading.

Like I said, busy days! Here I am taking a nap in my box. Okay, just pretending. But it is a fantastic new toy!
Congrats on the new house! Love A-Meredie