Well, I've been running hot since Tuesday...lots of tylenol and motrin. Thursday I hit a personal all-time high of 104 degrees! Mom picked me up, called the doctor, Dad threw some clothes on me and we were out the door. No ear infection, no strep, but possible UTI. I got some antibiotic shots and we were on our way. The whole office commented on just how loud I could carry on!
The rest of the day was spent napping, whining/crying, and going for a few rides (which calmed me down). I also got to indulge in things I don't normally do...because I was sad and sick looking. Mom and Dad took me to Sonic for ice cream and even let me watch some TV before bed. Breaking all the rules!

Drinking my juice and watching TV with my puppy and Dad.

Lots of toplessness around the house and even a car ride!
Had a recheck at the doctor's office today. Another round of shots and still waiting on the final results from the urine test. But I am feeling much better today. At least I tried to eat some of my meals and didn't push away all of my food. The weekend's plans have been adjusted, more hanging out and just resting up. All in all feeling much more chipper today. Spent some time giving Obi a run for his money!
Little One...Glad that you are feeling better and can have a kick back weekend with mommy and daddy.....give Obi a pat for us....Grampa and Gramma J