I took a trip down to Columbus last weekend to help celebrate Parker's first birthday! We left after Mom got off work on Friday and I stayed up almost the whole drive down to Columbus. Parker stayed up too and made sure we played a little bit before we had to go to bed. She has a fun pool that has been turned into a ball pit. I wasn't quite sure what to do with it, but I was intrigued....

The birthday girl, always posing for the camera.

This was the schematic for Parker's big first birthday cake. Designed of course by my Dad.

Mom managed to hold both of us, just for the picture!

If you look at the cake plans you can see that there is a tall sky base. There are dowels in place to keep the tower!

Playing with fondant! Not an easy task...

Playing with Parker again. Her living room is a fun playroom! I got to push her around on her train.

Sunday, August 1st, was Parker's birthday! As you can see, she liked the bags but we all had fun with the gifts too!

Parker's puzzle looks like fun...maybe I can sneak in and try it out :)

Besides me and Parker, our friend Landon was there for the party too.

Parker got a wonderful coupe from Landon. The Dads put it together, but as you can see Parker couldn't wait!

As you can see, the Parker cake took a turn! The eight layers proved to be too much. So we had to settle for four layers and the top castle. I think that everyone had fun participating in the cake!

Parker only made a little bit of a mess with her cake....good thing space chair is so wipeable.

Yes, Mom caught that face. I loved being pushed in Parker's coupe! All in all a fun weekend!
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