Well, summer season has hit in Toledo! I've been excited to wear my summer wardrobe and enjoy being outside with Mom and Dad...

Yup, Auntie Courtiepoo I love my bubbles!

Mom and Dad had their "Lost" party on Sunday and made a fire...this was before I had to go to bed.

Here's a pic for Grandma Hiatt. She's done lots of shopping for me and needed a picture of my cute overalls.

This pool was lovingly blown up by Mom and Dad. I hear they may be buying a foot pump soon.

Getting my toes wet.

Then I really got to splashing!

Trying to catch some water.

Thanks to the Roberts for my fantastic beach towel! I loved it! Looking forward to lots more pool time!!!
Glad Nat's getting some use out of her towel! Lindsey's towel should be arriving in the mail tomorrow! :)