Well, I got home on Wednesday and I'm finally getting a chance to go thru pictures. Here's some of my favorites from the rest of my trip!

Near the gators at the Crab Shack on Tybee Island. I tried crab cakes and got to see dolphins! I was also surprised by some loud squacking parrots...

My first beach experience! Tybee Island was just 30 minutes from Savannah. I got to walk the pier and play in the sand a bit.

Dad helped me, but I wasn't too keen on dipping my toes in the ocean.

All the beach activity really tired me out!

I took a long walk through Bonaventure Cemetary, where the famous "Bird Girl" from the Midnight in the Garden of Evil was located. It has since been moved to a Savannah museum and I didn't get to see it this trip.

The cemetary was really beautiful and parts of it were along the river.

This was Pulaski square, in front of our house!

A family pic before we went out to dinner our last night in town.

Hanging out on the sundeck of the Hyatt hotel. I got to see some of the sunset!
What a fun family vacation! Here I was waving goodbye to Savannah. I practice lots of waving while I was in town. Just trying to get that southern charm :)
looks like a beautiful place to visit. Is that a bug by your feet?