This last weekend I went down to Columbus to see my buddy Parker. We had a great time and took advantage of some of the nice weather. Lots of BBQing, playing with the puppies, rolling around on the floor and much more!

This was Parker showing off her long johns. Very cute!

I made a discovery this last weekend....I can CRAWL! Although I am still working on all of the logistics. I don't get too many points for style because I kind of plow my head on the ground when I am moving forward. But hey, it's a start!

We snuck in some sitting on a bed time at a model home that Matt and Amy were looking at. Maybe building a house in their future!?!? There was also a shower big enough to get four adults and two babies in it!

We had two trips to the park over the weekend. It was in the 60s and the swings were hopping! Dad was disappointed that I didn't get to swing, but we didn't feel like waiting in line. I did get to see some dock diving dogs which was pretty fun to watch though.

Parker snuck in a little nap while I kicked my legs around most of the walk.

So this past weekend I also turned 11 months old! I also had my third tooth pop through on the middle top left and Mom says she can see the top right coming soon.

Me posing for Mom!

Parker's spacechair and her fun toys (which she lets me borrow).

But some of my favorite toys are just paper bags and kitchen utensils!! The rest of this week has flown by. I've been a little cranky, but I think that once this other tooth breaks free I'll be fine. I've also been in the mood to point at things lately. Maybe even pointing at Dad when Mom asks me, "where's daddy?" Plus, I snuck in a few waves at people at the store this past week. All of these fun new activities to practice!!
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