I know that I seem young for "house cleaning", but my Mom is raising me right. I recently realized that I am simply getting too big for some of my favorites. Take my car seat here...

My feet almost dangle off (good for kicking the seat) and once I get my coat on I am cocooned in my seat. That and poor Mom and Dad can hardly carry me around because I've grown so much! So while we were in Columbus they went shopping while I hung out with Parker and her parents. I'm going to have a shiny new car seat that I can sit up tall in!

Okay, so this picture makes me look like I'm into extreme swings. Sorry, just visualize it rotated to the left. While I do enjoy "rides", for example the swing that Uncle Matt does with me, this one is now too small. It's the reverse of the carnival rides. There should be a stick that says if you are a baby and this tall do NOT ride this ride! I had to amuse myself with other toys at Parker's house. I also used her playmat and discovered that my head was taller than the cross bars....I felt like Godzilla knocking those little jungle animals around.

Here's Parker in her Duck's gear. The Daniels had a Rose Bowl party and I got to make new friends.

I helped Mom and Amy make giant cupcake cakes in the colors of Oregon and Ohio State!

Ducks and Bucks!

We got home today and I had some fun time playing with my new Christmas toys. This one was from Great Grandma Jackson. I hear that Mom and Dad had similar ones when they were babies. I was particularly excited about the panda and spent lots of time closing him up!
I was happy to be back at home this afternoon, so excited that I said no to my afternoon nap (twice). Instead we put my new cubes into my bedroom for my library. I've started a great collection of books and already have some favorites. At dinner I squeaked in some chicken (if you can call pureed meat a meal) and made minimal faces. I even had a great time taking a bath tonight and danced around the house before I crawled into bed. I realized that I was really tired out from my last few days of travels. But I had a great time down in Columbus and will look forward to seeing Parker and her Mom and Dad again soon!!!
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