First off, I'd like to show you pictures of me being adorable. So if/when my current cold (thanks Mommy) makes me snotty you'll remember the good times...

Now, on to today. This is day one of full blown cold. Maybe if I beat something up I'll
feel better.
Here's what I've learned about baby colds:
1 ) We don't know how to blow our noses
2) When we sneeze, we then make a very big mess
3) Burp rags can double as tissues (as long as they are rotated frequently)
4) Laying in your own drool at nap time is dangerous to your health (or at least your cheeks)
5) I can impress Mom and Dad by still being in a good mood
So, I'm going to keep my humidifier on and hope for the best! I'll show this cold who's boss!!
Hope you and your mommy feel better soon!