Well, Dad is out of town for a few days and it's just some girl time. This picture is my Marilyn Monroe impression. Somehow my skirt always ends up, and if at all possible in my mouth. The bow is in honor of Dad, he loves it when I have a little headband or hair thingy in! Amy and Parker came up from Columbus for a visit, they'll be here until Monday. Today Parker turned 8 weeks old! Yeah, you try to get a good picture of two babies together!! This one Natalie looks scared and Parker was pre-cry :)

Thanks Grandma and Grandpa Hiatt for my Lutes sweatshirt!

We gathered the girls up and went for a walk tonight. Quite the scene when you have two strollers and a dog! Also, this past Friday we got our Halloween box from Auntie Courtiepoo and Uncle Max. You'll have to wait to see my costume!!!
That's all for tonight, later gators...
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