Welcome to my new blog!!!

Yesterday I hit the 5 month mark! We had a busy weekend. Went and met the Niemans at a farm in Ottawa for some Fall fun on Saturday. Next year I'll be more interested in the hay rides, the pumpkin patch, and petting zoo!

Got my first taste of a slide and now I'm hooked. Dad promises to do some more slides soon!

Then on Sunday we met the Filatoffs for waffles and played over at Olander park. You'll notice that I love feeding the ducks...
Had a nice chat with Grandpa and Grandma Hiatt on Skype. Starting to pay more attention to the screen when they talk, so this should be fun as I grow. Made lots of funny faces and noises to keep them entertained.

Finally, the night ended with some attempts at rice cereal. I didn't put up too much of a fight, but not much got in me either. It must have taken something out of me, because I was playing on the floor with Mom this morning and fell asleep mid conversation. It looks like it's going to be a great day!