- Natalie, age 3
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Monday, July 23, 2012
Happy Monday!
Here's Evie hanging with the snail! Big sis likes to hand her the animals :)
Here's Natalie getting ready to go to dance camp today. It runs through Thursday and is themed "fairy tale." Today she made fairy wings and said her favorite thing was to jump! Snack time was good too :)
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Beat the Heat!
Its been pretty warm here, so we have to get outside early these days. This morning we got up and played on the playground after breakfast. The backyard has shade in the morning and it was only in the 70s then.
This pic was from yesterday.....Nat loves her playdoh time!
Back to today! We packed up the crew and went to Wildwood bright and early. Getting used to packing all sorts of gear.....double stroller, two kids, drinks, snacks! And then whatever Mom wants for herself! Love the new stroller, getting lots of use out of it.Natalie walked from the far parking lot all the way to the gardens. Take my word for it, it's a good hike! Then she hitched a ride on the stroller to get to the big playground.
Evie enjoyed the stroll and slept the whole time. Yeah! I was looking back at stats and Natalie was only 8 pounds and 11 ounces at her one month check. So even though Evie started smaller she has made a lot of gains!
Obligatory snack break! Nat loves to find these little spots to sit and take a break. When we had to go back to the car I was calculating the weight I was pushing......so it's 80 degrees and the slight hill feels more mountainous on the return trip. Well, the stroller is 30 pounds, Nat is 33 pounds, plus I have the carseat (I don't know 10 pounds??) and Evie at 9 pounds. So, I think that counts as a good workout :)
Friday, July 20, 2012
Evie's One Month Check
Yesterday was Evie's one month check up. Natalie was a very helpful big sister and entertained herself and her little sister while we waited (forever!). Evie grew like a weed after such a rough start. She had dropped to 6 pounds when she was sick and weighed in at 9 pounds 4 ounces! They were impressed! Plus, she grew 2 inches! No wonder all of that newborn stuff didn't fit anymore :)
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Jackson Girls Comparison
So one of the fun things about having a little girl is telling Natalie all the things she did/wore as a little baby. We lucked out having a good supply of summer girl clothes ready to go in the basement :)

Here is Natalie at one month in a cute dress...........
And here is Evie in the same dress at one month.
Can't wait to see if they look a lot alike as Evie goes from newborn to growing baby! Her eyes are changing already from blue to some yet undetermined color. You truly forget how fast they change!
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Catch-Up Part Four: Sick Nat and Evie One Month
So, to finish off the wild month....Natalie had been sick since Saturday and woke up Tuesday with a 107.1 fever. So that got her a chance to meet some Sylvania firefighters and an ambulance ride to Toledo Hospital (which she thought was awesome). Thankfully, the fever came down and it was ruled viral. So after a few hour stay she was sent home to rehab.
If you know Natalie you know that she is a mover. Over the past few days though she's put herself down for a nap, so we know she isn't quite 100% yet. Here she was sleeping with her doll Elsa.
Here Natalie is today the 12th. After a good check-up at her peds office we let her have some time outside on the new playground. It has been awful having the new playground and not being able to use it!Evie is officially one month old today! Here are a few pics of her lounging around on the floor while Natalie builds lego castles.
Tummy time is a new thing. She sticks her tongue out at it!
Here is a grumpy face. She had liked her bouncy more these days. And to celebrate turning one month old, Evie has graduated from newborn to size 1 diapers. After a rather disastrous diaper change (talk to Dad) it was decided that the newborn size doesn't have the capacity!
Well - that was a lot of catch-up! Here's hoping to a less eventful second month!
Catch-Up Part Three: July 5th - July 11th
Like I said, Evie had a great week hanging out with Grandma and Grandpa Hiatt.
And the many faces of a sleeping baby......
....held by Grandma Hiatt.
The finished product! Level and play ready :)
Complete with swing, rock wall, fort and slide!
Natalie and Grandpa spent some time playing cards and games.
Grandma and Natalie crafted a necklace and had her first toe nail painting.
Yes, that's purple to match Dora!
Natalie getting ready for dance camp at the end of July. She loves her outfit, can't wait for the class!Here are some more pictures from Grandpa and Grandma's trip out. There was a car show at Mayberry that Natalie went to with Grandpa and Dad.
It was fun, but so hot that we didn't stay for too long.
Here are some great pics of Natalie testing out the playground. Checking out the windows on the fort.
Swinging, can't wait to have friends over to play!
Took some great bike rides with Grandpa and Grandma, even with the hot weather.
Natalie modeling her necklace and Rapunzel crown for Grandma.
Sunset at the Jackson house.....a good way to end this blog :)
Catch-Up Part Two: June 27th to July 4th
Back at home we were trying to get back into a routine....
Natalie heard that Evie had seen lots of doctors at the hospital. Here Nat does a house call!
Nat was excited to get to see "her baby" as she calls her.
Posing in the boppy bed.
Here Nat is sharing her blanket with little Evie. She loves spending time with her little sister and has been very helpful around the house.
The Hiatts flew into Detroit to meet Evie for the first time. Here Evie is with Grandma Hiatt.
Grandpa Hiatt gets a turn.
Grandma Hiatt held Evie lots that week :)
Here is Evie as a boy.....Mom and Dad had an outfit for a girl or boy for the hospital. You have to admit the outfit is really cute!Grandpa and Dad had a BIG project the week that the Hiatts were in town. Not only was it a large playground, it was 100 degree weather!
Here Natalie was overseeing the workers.
Natalie had a lot of fun projects with Grandma. Here was our Fourth of July dessert.
The playground project was several days long.....but we are hoping for years of fun!
Here is Natalie with Evie modeling some coordinating outfits for summer 2013 (thanks Jones Family)!!
Mom thought she had bought poppers - they were smoke bombs.
Here is the whole crew getting ready for the Sylvania fireworks at the quarry. We had a great seat, could see the whole display from our driveway! And that was followed by an even bigger display put on by our neighbors.
Catch-Up Part One: June 15th - 26th
We knew life would be busy with two kids, but I think that this first month has been exceptional! Here's a glimpse at what the Jackson's have been up to...
Here Natalie is posing with Evie after giving her a bath. She was a little disappointed that a "bath" meant toweling her off on the floor. She wants to know when she will be able to get in the big tub with her!It has been nice, hot summer weather and we've been home. So Dad got the pool set up for Nat and we all enjoyed dipping our toes in.
This is fondly called the "caboose" by Natalie. She loves that she can ride along with Evie and sit or stand. So far we've just had some nice walks around the neighborhood.
One of our first outings was on the 18th... We snuck over to the Robert's house, brought lunch, and used the pool!
A nice snoozing pic while laying on Mom (who is also sleeping!).
Hanging out with Ally...
Meeting Greg........
Going to have to fight Natalie for "the boys" as she calls them! Here Evie is with Jacob.
Yes, this is in the correct order...... On the 21st Evie went to the pediatrician because she had been lethargic and not eating well. She had dropped weight, down to 6 pounds, and was just not herself. At Toledo Hospital they did all sorts of tests and determined that she had viral meningitis. This meant a stay in the hospital until she perked up and was eating well again. This also meant that Mom got to stay at the hospital round the clock while Dad bounced around from home to the hospital. Thanks to all of our friends that helped take care of Natalie during these days!Here Evie was on the 23rd. She was getting most of her nutrients from her IV and definitely not perky yet.
Finally, on the 24th she was cleared to go home. It was a really long weekend and everyone was ready to get the family back together. The good news is that there are no problems expected from her being sick, it was just bad luck that she got this bug when she was so little.
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