Well, I've been off my blogging game for quite awhile. I guess I have been tired and just catching up after my big trip out West. Here's the week in pictures (a lot of them!):

This is me and Mom after we landed in Seattle on the 17th. We left Detroit in the afternoon and arrived into Seattle about 8 PM. I didn't sleep AT ALL! But by the time I made it to Grandpa and Grandma's house I was REALLY ready for bed. I was also changed into my PJ pants upon touchdown in WA. Turns out even a nighttime diaper is no match for my powers. And Mom said she would pack an extra pair of pants for her next time.

Sunday morning was spent with my Jackson family. Uncle Matt, Aunt Jess, and Esther took me out to the Sunbreak Cafe in Auburn. Mom ordered a hot chocolate that had a mile high whipped cream top! Luckily for her, everyone wanted to put some of the whipped cream in their coffee. I liked the really yummy banana bread.

Esther, Aunt Jess, and Uncle Matt! We all took a walk down on Redondo. It was a little chilly, but lots of fun. Uncle Matt pushed me around and took me to the playground for some swings.

Sunday we had to hit the swings again. Uncle Matt and Aunt Jess joined me at Lake Meridian. They showed me the water, ducks, and great playground. All hail the Swing King aka Uncle Matt!

After my busy day Uncle Matt and Aunt Jess helped me with bath time. Uncle Matt did a surprisingly good job combing my hair. Maybe next time he can help me with a ponytail.

Before bedtime, I snuck a sit in Mr. Funugles. I think he may be my step-brother or something. Mom and Dad said he was part of the family. I enjoyed my time with Uncle Matt and Aunt Jess. I also got to meet up with Aunt Jess at her school for some Teriyaki. It was busy and I was the only baby roaming the campus it seemed...

Random fish lips.

Tuesday we loaded up Grandpa's pilot and drove down to Lincoln City, OR. It was a big family celebration for Great Grandma's 85th birthday party. We all got to stay in a big house on the edge of the beach. We went into town to Mo's for lunch one day.

Daddy was tickling me with my Mo's toy shark.

I really liked the aquarium. The motion of the jellyfish was entertaining. By the end of the aquarium though I was kind of cranky and tired.

The living room of our house had great big cushioned ottomans. I liked to practice my walking to them. It made for a softer landing if I didn't get there on my feet!

We had a big cake for Grandma's party. I think I missed this because I was already in bed!

More practice walking and fish lips!

My buddies Ryan and Mari went down to the beach a lot. They did a great job flying kites.

Even though it was a little windy and cold, I had a chance to enjoy the West Coast sand and ocean.

Dad and I dipped our toes in. Way too cold!

Me with Auntie Courtiepoo!

Hanging with my buddy Anna.

Peeking out at the water from my deck.

Getting my sun hat on for some beach time.

My beautiful family!

Beach time with Mom and Dad. They bought me my first kite, a butterfly.

Oregon beach sunset.

Breakfast with Great Grandma.

The ride home on Saturday was a little long. I finally took a quick snooze. We also stopped at Portland on the way home. After a fun lunch, we walked over to the street market and wandered around. It was in the 90s and just cooking on the streets so we didn't stay long.

Sunday morning we hopped on a plane really early. I had to get up at 4:30 PST for my 7 AM flight. I took a quick 45 minute nap on the first leg of our trip. Then it was party time! We landed in Minneapolis and our plane was REALLY delayed. Probably spent about 4 hours in Minneapolis before we got to board. I entertained myself (and everyone else) by walking and making friends at the gate waiting area. I didn't take another nap until 7:30 EST, as we were touching down in Detroit (that's right, way later in the day!). You can see in my pic that I was just exhausted!

Well, now I'm back at home and getting into the swing of my normal routine. Mom and Dad were really happy that I still slept great even with the time change. I think I've been extra tired from my trip and I'm still trying to catch up! I'm not usually this messy at dinner, but it was bath night and Mom gave me all sorts of messy foods!

Here I am practicing with my spoon. I hope I'm not a one trick pony. I used my spoon really well for Dad and have refused to use it since!
Wow, I am tired, this was a monster blog! Last but not least. I had my 15 month check up this week and I am now 23# 1 oz (50 %), 31" (75 %), and my head is 75th percentile. It was a successful visit, even though I had to get three shots. I'll go back for another check up in three months!